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The People’s Party of Canada: A Comprehensive Overview

The People’s Party of Canada (PPC) is a relatively new political party in the Canadian federal landscape, focused on advocating for individual freedoms, personal responsibility, and a reduction in government intervention. Founded in 2018 by Maxime Bernier, the PPC represents a shift towards libertarian and right-leaning conservative policies. This article provides a comprehensive and neutral overview of the People’s Party of Canada, including its history, policies, organizational structure, and key figures.


The People’s Party of Canada was established in September 2018 by Maxime Bernier, a former Conservative Party of Canada MP and cabinet minister. Bernier’s decision to form a new party came after his unsuccessful bid for the leadership of the Conservative Party in 2017. Disillusioned with the direction of the Conservative Party, Bernier sought to create a party that focused on individual freedoms and reduced government intervention.

Since its inception, the PPC has participated in two federal elections, securing a small percentage of the national vote but failing to win any seats in the House of Commons. Despite its limited electoral success, the PPC has attracted a dedicated base of supporters and continues to build its presence in the Canadian political landscape.

Policies and Ideology

The People’s Party of Canada is characterized by its strong commitment to individual freedoms, personal responsibility, and free-market principles. The party’s policies focus on reducing the role of government in Canadians’ lives, advocating for smaller government, and promoting economic freedom. Key policy areas associated with the PPC include:

  1. Limited Government: The PPC believes in reducing the size and scope of government, cutting taxes, and eliminating unnecessary regulations to encourage economic growth and personal freedom.
  2. Individual Freedoms: The party advocates for the protection of individual rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech and the right to bear arms.
  3. Economic Policy: The PPC supports free-market capitalism, aiming to eliminate corporate subsidies and reduce government intervention in the economy.
  4. Immigration: The party seeks to reform Canada’s immigration system, prioritizing economic immigrants and reducing the overall number of immigrants admitted annually.
  5. Foreign Policy: The PPC believes in a non-interventionist foreign policy, focusing on trade and diplomacy while reducing foreign aid and military interventions.

Organizational Structure

The People’s Party of Canada is a membership-based organization, with supporters from across the country participating in local Electoral District Associations (EDAs) and policy development processes. The party’s structure includes:

  1. Leader: The leader of the PPC is elected by the party’s membership and serves as the public face of the party. The leader is responsible for the political direction and management of the party’s electoral strategy.
  2. National Council: The council is responsible for the overall governance and management of the party. It is composed of representatives from each region of Canada, as well as additional members, youth representatives, and members of the party executive.
  3. Party Executive: The executive is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the party, including organizing events, fundraising, and managing party communications. Key positions include the party president, national director, and communications director.
  4. Electoral District Associations (EDAs): EDAs represent the grassroots level of the party organization, corresponding to individual federal ridings. EDAs are responsible for local fundraising, candidate nominations, and organizing campaign efforts during elections.
  5. Policy Development: The PPC places a strong emphasis on policy development, with members actively participating in the process through policy resolutions, discussions, and national policy conventions.

Key Figures

Since its establishment, the People’s Party of Canada has been led by its founder, Maxime Bernier. As the driving force behind the party’s formation and its public face, Bernier has played a significant role in shaping the PPC’s direction and policy platform. His political experience and commitment to individual freedoms, personal responsibility, and limited government intervention have made him a prominent figure in the Canadian political landscape.

In addition to Bernier, the PPC has attracted a number of candidates and supporters from various backgrounds. Some of these individuals have become more prominent in the party’s activities and policy discussions, contributing to the development and promotion of the PPC’s policies and vision.


The People’s Party of Canada, though still a newcomer to the Canadian political scene, has made its presence felt by advocating for individual freedoms, personal responsibility, and limited government intervention. While the PPC has yet to win any seats in the House of Commons, it continues to build its support base and develop its policy platform.

As the PPC grows and evolves, it will be interesting to observe how the party navigates the complexities of the Canadian political landscape and whether it can gain enough traction to become a significant player in future elections. Regardless of the outcome, the People’s Party of Canada has already contributed to the diversity of political ideas and debates within the country, and its influence on the direction of Canadian politics will likely continue to be felt in the coming years.

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